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IKK Südwest Logo




We have been managing the campaign and product communication for our client, IKK Südwest, for 4 years - strategically, cross-media and always with the perfect brand fit.

From conceptual planning to content production and implementation, we use all forms of media with suitable faces, such as influencers, athletes and experts from the various subject areas.

IKK NOW, the risk-free online elective tariff, also plays an important role in the overall communication. Reaching the young target group via social media is easy, but gaining their attention is the challenge. Insurance topics are rarely at the top of the list of interests of trainees, students and young adults. That's why we worked with IKK Südwest and YouTuber "TheJoCraft" to develop a concept that shows the benefits of IKK NOW. Not as an interview, not as a picture gallery, but as part of the computer game "Minecraft". Here, the building blocks and the tariff's cancellation system can be presented in an optimal and simple way. The video is available here.

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